Mattress Cleaning Cornwall

Call 07594 253577 to discuss your needs

Hicks Carpet Cleaning offers a specific service to control pests from infesting your mattress

  1. Elegant Bedroom

    The mattress is vacuum cleaned to remove as much as possible of the dead skin cells, dust mites and faecal materials.

  2. The mattress is thoroughly cleaned using the hot water wet extraction cleaning process.
  3. The Mattress is dried using a powerful air mover.
  4. Finally, the mattress is sprayed with Mattress Medic an aqueous based treatment which eliminates existing infestations and gives lasting protection against dust mites, fleas, bed bugs, moths, ants etc. Treatments will prevent the colonising of new or cleaned items. Mattress Medic will remain effective until removed by washing,providing long lasting protection against asthma, eczema, hay fever, sinusitis, mould, fungi, bacteria and their resulting malodours.

What makes Mattress Medic so special?

Mattress Medic has the ability to kill dust mites on contact and deposits a long lasting layer that prevents them feeding or breeding – killing 99.9% over a 7 day period. Mattress Medic will remain effective until removed by washing.

How it works

Mattress Medic creates an anti-microbial substrate – a barrier which kills the dust mites on contact. Any dust mites which have penetrated the mattress, which are destroyed when they come to the surface to feed on dead skin cells.


  • Test results ratified by Cambridge Emtology Centre UK.
  • Qualifies for OKO-TEX 100 class IV for Safety in handling and use.
  • Endorsements for safety in the home and environment includes -?- RCC Reserch and Consulting Co Switzerland.?- Leberco Testing Laboratory USA.


Mattress Medic qualifies for OKEKO TEX standard 100 CLASS IV for safety in handling and use. Endorsements for safety in the home and environment include – RCC Research and consulting Co, Switzerland & Leberco Testing Laboratory, USA. Mattress Medic treatment covers a broad spectrum including dust mites and their eggs plus prevention of re-infestation. Mattress Medic will remain effective until removed by washing. Also covers fleas, carpet beetle, silverfish, bed bugs, moth, cockroaches, ants, etc.