Landlords, in the past have often resorted to changing carpets at the end of a tenancy. This may be because they, just don’t realise how effectively carpets can be cleaned employing the right level of expertise and high quality equipment. They may well have tried having carpets cleaned in the past, quite frankly by people not equipped to do a thorough professional job.
This is why I use the very best equipment available on the market, which produces hot water followed by an inline steam generator, which provides an ample water flow rate, using the highest possible vacuum uplift for instant soil recovery. This is a system that really will remove the ingrained dirt and stubborn stains.
I really can save you replacing carpets and clean them for a fraction of the cost of replacement. This not only makes good financial sense, it is a much better environmental solution, as it reduces waste earmarked for landfill, helps reduce carbon emissions and helps conserve precious natural resources. Having your carpets cleaned is a form of recycling.
With all this in mind I hope you will give me a call on 01209 217605, or mobile 07864523611 for a top notch reliable service.